Look at the photo above. It was taken in a desperate situation. Two girls: One, Nadia, was an orphan until her life changed almost ten years ago through our mission work in Moldova and Ana, whose pain is unimaginable, whose loss cannot fathomed.

Nadia is our leader in Moldova. I found her sitting on a metal bench in Moldova’s largest orphanage, with eighteen orphan girls. They were about to be put out on the street. We had space for only three of them in our home. Nadia was one of those three. The first night she came to our house, she kept her right hand hidden deep in the sleeve of her sweater. She deftly used her left hand to do most everything. I waited for my chance. She sat down at my left side and, as the other kids in the room laughed and played, I reached and held her broken hand. I felt the bones that had stopped growing in her mother’s womb… the tiny buttons with even tinier fingernails where fingers would typically be. In that moment, I let an orphan girl know, “You are perfect just the way you are.” 


Nadia never hid her hand again.

Ana has lived through more pain than I can imagine. My heart aches for this lovely sixteen year old girl. At three years of age she, her brother, and two sisters were left unattended in their home. A fire started, in which her eighteen month old sister perished. Ana survived, but her arm and leg had to be amputated. Because of their negligence, Ana was taken from her parents and placed temporarily in a foster home. Her parents never tried to claim her back. She waited… but they never came.

There are no opportunities in Moldova for Ana to receive decent prosthetics. The best option within proximity is in Italy. We have been asked to help her so she can walk to school and continue her studies. We want to help her get to Italy… we want help make her body whole again! Can you help this sixteen year old girl return to as normal a life as possible?

Her appointment in Italy is July 3. This happens to be the same day Chrissie and I celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary. I couldn’t imagine a more special way for us to celebrate our day, by providing this life-changing gift for Ana! If you could give an extra gift today of $41 you could help us help her!

Nadia and Ana met… the broken and the burned. I hope and pray one day, Ana will stand beside Nadia, and together reach out to others struggling in their broken world.

Please be part of Ana’s miracle.

For the broken,

Philip Cameron